Monday, June 11, 2012

Everyday is a Summer Day

I'm not much of a blogger but I'll try to keep an update once in awhile. This past winter hasn't been a winter. Didn't snow very much and never did get to build a snowmen. Last December I got to go to temple square with the choir, it was so much fun. The beginning of this year I got a haircut and bangs, My new hairstlye. I like it but miss my long hair. I went to two of my friends farewells that are already on a mission. I finally went on a bike ride with a friend from high school/ It was lots of fun going to Bridal Veils and walking up the waterfall. I started going to the temple with another friend, its been really good to be able to go since its been a long time I last gone. Now days Im working out to get in shape and planning on going to school in the fall.